Battery Capacity Calculator

Calculate Capacity (Wh) Watt-hours (Wh) is the effective capacity of the battery pack, calculated by multiplying the charge capacity (Ah or mAh) by the nominal voltage (V).

  • Amp hours (Ah)
  • Milli amp hours (mAh)

Calculate Charge (Ah/mAh) Charge (Ah or mAh) is the charge capacity of the battery pack, calculated by dividing the effective capacity (Wh) by the nominal voltage (V).

  • Amp hours (Ah)
  • Milli amp hours (mAh)

Calculate Voltage (V) Voltage (V) is the nominal voltage of the battery pack, calculated by dividing the effective capacity (Wh) by the charge capacity (Ah or mAh).

  • Amp hours (Ah)
  • Milli amp hours (mAh)

About the battery capacity calculator

Welcome to our battery capacity calculator. This tool calculates battery capacity, voltage, and charge and converts units between Ah and mAh.

How to use the battery capacity calculator

This battery-capacity calculator is divided into three tools: a capacity calculator (Wh), a charge calculator (Ah/mAh), and a voltage calculator (V).

To use the converter:

  1. Enter any two known values (Wh, Ah/mAh, or V) into the corresponding input fields.
  2. The calculator will automatically determine the third value based on the entered information.
  3. If needed, you can switch between Ah and mAh units using the dropdown menu next to the input field.

Key terms to know

  • Watt-hours (Wh): The total energy capacity of a battery pack, calculated by multiplying the voltage (V) by the amp-hours (Ah).
  • Amp-hours (Ah): The amount of electrical charge a battery can supply in one hour, typically used for larger battery packs.
  • Milliamp-hours (mAh): A smaller unit of electrical charge commonly used for smaller batteries in portable devices.
  • Voltage (V): The electrical potential difference between a battery's positive and negative terminals.

How to calculate watt-hours

Battery capacity is measured in watt-hours (Wh) or sometimes kilowatt-hours (kWh) for particularly large batteries.

To calculate watt-hours from the relationship between amp-hours and voltage, use the following formula:


To calculate the same from milli amp hours, use the following formula:


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