Fill in each of the six required fields with accurate information. Here is a quick rundown of what each field means.
Input the total rider weight, including clothes, helmet, shoes, bags, etc.
Accepts pounds (lbs) when using imperial units (default) and kilos (kg) when using metric units.
Input the current temperature outside in degrees.
Accepts Fahrenheit (°F) when using imperial units (default) and Celcius (°C) when using metric units.
Choose what matches your riding style best of "Slow," "Medium," and "Fast."
Input the total nominal power output of the scooter's motor. If the scooter has two motors, add their power together.
Accepts watt (W). Typically found in the product manual or official website.
Input the total capacity of the electric scooter's battery. Wh can be found by multiplying voltage (V) by amp-hours (Ah).
Accepts watt-hours (Wh). Typically found in the product manual or official website.
Input an estimated amount of full charging cycles your electric scooter battery has gone through.
Accepts any number. If unsure, leave at 1.